Wednesday, December 26, 2007

December update!

Wow alot has gone on this month, I'll try to give the readers digest version.....

We had our "office party" which consisted of Davis and I, Rick and Doreen ( Davis and I both work for the Stuarts at their home based buissness) SO they took us to Bomerangs for dinner, sooo tasty, yum yum, it was great, we ate WAY too much food but we had a good time. They also gave us a nice healthy $200 CHristmas bonus.... holy cow! Best boss EVER!

We also bought their big screen TV because they bought a plasma TV for CHristmas so we have a new big screen at our place! SWEET!

Davis turned the big 29 on the 20th. There was a storm that same day so we didnt get to do everything we wanted to do, but we still had a good time anyway! Lots of seafood and cake and games!

We were in the Nativity Pageant this year... it was actually alot of fun, it really helped us to get into the Christmas Spirit and do a little bit of service. It has been a tradition in my family to go and see the pageant every christmas eve, so it was really speacial for us to be involved this year. Hope everyone got to come see it!

Christmas was Amazing as usual! Davis and I made out like a couple of bandits in the gift department! lots of baby stuff that we needed, and also some fun stuff that we probably didnt need but is still fun to have! We have definetly been so blessed to have what we do and we are very gratful for it, especially this time of year!

We were supposed to have a big Smith estended family Christmas bash on the 27th , but because of some storm that was supposedly coming it got postponed :( so sad, I was really looking forward to it, I guess I can wait until Jan 1st :(

We are getting all reved up for New Years and we are very excited to have Kristiane and Claudine home for the holidays! Love you guys!

Pregnancy wise, I have started having Braxton Hicks contractions... some not painful at all, some kind of uncomfortable, and one lovely afternoon they were full of painful ones... not fun. But everything is fine, baby is still doing good in there. I still have another month and a half until I am due.

Anyway we hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Hope to see you all sometime over the holidays! call us anytime to come hang out!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


We actually put up this tree on Dec 1st but I just havent gotten around to posting the picture yet, but there is our lovely tree!!! I came to the realization that walmart has great decorations but Crappy tree toppers.... seriously the tackiest things ever!! They had a few nice toppers but none that matched the decorations i had picked out for the tree..... my trees have to match. So if anyone sees a nice gold star anywhere let me know!!!!

Other than that, life here in the Podeszwa house is good! Davis is almost done his exams, 1 more to go!! woohooo! I am getting bigger by the day, I almost died when the nurse weighed me last week, I wont even say how much it is, but I almost wanted to take my shoes off and make her weigh me again. So sad. We are excited for the pageant!! Davis saw it last year for the first time and he loved it! So we are glad to be a part of it! Hope everyone can come and see it!!

Also Davis' birthday is next week, we are going to be doing something on the 20th, not sure quite what exactly yet but we will let you know!! Hopefully everyone can come enjoy some good food, folks & fun!!!

14 days till Christmas!!!!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I am too FAT for a carnival cruise!

So here is our story about our cruise.

First of all I should explain that the company Davis is going to be working for paid for the cruise, the flight down to california, etc etc etc. So they just told us when the flight was and we just had to show up pretty much.

So early saturday morning we got on a flight to Los Angeles!! We got in to LA in the afternoon that same day and had a nice relaxing day in the hotel, just getting excited for mexico and talking about all the things we wanted to see and do, totally getting pumped for this trip!

Sunday morning we headed down to the pier with the rest of the company (about 90 people in total) who were going on the cruise. When we arrived at the pier there was this mile and half long line up to get on the boat. So we stood there for no joke like 2 hours, waiting to check in and get our room keys and stuff. As we FINALLY approached the front of the line, the lady standing there checking ID asked me when I was due (not an uncommon question for a pregnant person to hear..) I thought nothing of the question so I told her, Feb 20th. She said ok, just wait right here for a minute. 5 minutes later this other lady came out and said, " Im sorry we cant let you on board" Davis and I were in total shock.... we were just like "OK ..... why is that" she explained to us that apparently I am too far along in my pregnancy and I am too much of a liabilty to have on board in case something happens. Also they dont have the facilities on board to deal with early labour. Keep in mind that I have 3 full months left until Im even due.

Anyway so she escorted us outside (it was kind of a cold day for california) and said just wait out here while i find your group leader and call my managers and see if there is anything we can do. so we waited outside in the cold for like 30 mintues it seems like and she finally comes back and says, yeah there is nothing at all we can do, its just too much of a risk. So at this point we were over our shock and fully into sometype of anger, we tried to explain that I had just seen my doctor 2 days before, everything is fine, she can call him if she wants, we will sign a waiver... anything. NO GO. apparently 27 weeks is their cut off and i am 27 weeks exactly that day. Anyway, this went back and forth for a while, her leaving us outside in the cold while she went to talk to more people.... it was not a fun afternoon. After we flew across the country to be there, went through all that hassel... to bad so sad, we were out of luck.

After everything it was decided, that Im just too fat and I cant get on, too much of a liability... mean while there are like 95 year old grannys in wheel chairs who cant even stand... about to freaking die at any moment, but they are ok to get on and not me.

They gave us back our bags and said you can walk over to the hotel over there and they can call you a cab. nice eh? anyway we arent too fond of carnival cruise right now, because i looked all over thier website before going down there and there was NOTHING on there about pregnant women .... i looked for a long time (searching for a reason not to go mostly cause i was scared)

BUT bright side of every story, here is our silver lining ... the company that paid for us to be down there anyway tried to get us back on and fight for us (to no avail) and in the end, got us a hotel room in LA for 3 more days, a rental car and $500 spending cash so we could still have some kind of vacation. SO we took the next 3 days to tour Hollywood, Malibu, Venice beach, Los Angeles, San Deigo... and the highlight of the trip SEA WORLD!! 4 days of being on my feet and then a red-eye flight home to halifax and my feet are good and swollen.... so gross.
I feel like this post is long enough, but i will say Sea World was awesome, i got to pet a freaking Dolphin!!! how cool is that? I will try to make one of those slide shows in a minute, but I thought i would post this to let you all in on our adventure!!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

DAVIS' 7 RANDOM THINGS .... orated by davis, typed by teeny.

1) I chew with my mouth "partially open" here is why; when you chew your food with your mouth closed there is only one option for breathing, and if your sick, your options are quite limited. when you chew your food, you want the air in your mouth to circulate so the flavour is evenly dispersed and the air can get to your olfactory sences, therefore the food tastes better. also i do it sometimes to tick off teeny, but only sometimes when she is allready ticked off....

2) i am a seafood LOVER 100% i love to catch fish, eat fish, study fish, and if teeny would let me i would have a pet shark.

3) i am petrified of bees. and all things assosiated with that species. when i was a young chap at the age of 4 or 5, a bee stung me right beside my right eye, so now when i see a bee i FREEZE.

4) i like old school rap. dont give me T-Pain dont give me Eminem, heck dont even give me 2-Pac Chakur who IS from the old school! I wanna hear first and foremost The Notorious B.I.G. THen after that you can throw on some Craig Mack, with some flava in ya ear (if you know this song your my friend) and then I wanna hear Leaders of the New School with Busta Rymes, Dinco D, Charlie Brown, etc etc. IF you dont have any of that then you better have some Tribe Called Quest ( Award Tour)

5) Why do people use LOL? When I was in High school my best friend and I (Jeremy Townsend) thought that chat rooms on the internet were the GAYEST thing, we decided to venture out into cyber space and talk with some of these people in their "chat rooms". We would intentionally make fun of these people on line to see their reactions. When we made these jokes, they responded with " LOL" and we thought this meant " Loser On Line" so we thought they were making fun of us, when really they were laughing along with our jokes. PEOPLE! why cant you just put HA HA HA when you're laughing?

6)I like to work out. working out helps me to release my wiggles, some day when teeny and I have some "ninos" I will take them to the gym and pump some iron. I always thought that the only way an ugly person could look good, is by working out and loosing some fat storage. working out also helps you to partake of the blessings of the fountain of youth.

7) ever since i was in grade 7, i cut my own hair. i went through a wide variety of hair styles in my youth. when i was in grade 7 and 8 I sported the "bowl cut" so the bottom half of my head was shaved to the skin and the top half was slicked back. in grade 9 I was the first one in my highschool to get braides like Kris Kross. as soon as everyone saw my braides they thought i was some kind of thug. one time this big indian even wanted to fight me. ... i dont know why. in grade 11 i shaved my head completly, and I kept that up for a good year and a half.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I was "tagged" ... and I am bored.....

So dear Ka Ka tagged me .... I cant really think of anything funny/cool to say for my 7 things... but here it goes..... sorry if its lame, you can blame Kristiane.

1) I HATE when people chew with their mouths open, honestly of all the things people do, that one annoys me the most. It does more than annoy me actually, it makes me really angry. The pregnancy mood swings make it even worse sometimes..... poor Davis.....

2) I am coming out of the closet ... I love Harry Potter. I denied it for a long time, refused to watch the movies... definetly refused to read the books... probably made fun of Kristiane for signing up early to get the book... but i love it now.. I have read all 7 books within the last 3 months, and I have read them twice each. I cant even say how many times I have seen the movies..... it is really sad and pathetic i know, but there it is.

3) I am, as my father calls it, a "bumble bee" when it comes to my hobbies. I go through stages, for a while i was really into reading health books etc, then I was all about knitting, and now its all about making home made cards. Which are really cute by the way, Im making all of my christmas cards. But overall Im left with unused health cook books, a half finished blanket, and WAY too many cards that i will probably never use (except for Christmas)

4) I have a terrifing fear of the open water. Seriously, its bad, I used to have to close my eyes when we drove over the bridge, and then i couldnt do that anymore when I started driving, but still i just look straight ahead until we are on the other side. Davis and I went on a whale watching tour last year and we had an option to go from Halifax (and go straight out into the ocean) or go all the freaking way to digby and stay close to shore in the bay... and i made poor davis drive all the way to digby for something we could have done here in town... just because we could stay close to shore. Pathetic, I know.

5) I run up the basement steps in my parents house. Just the basement ones, none of the others. why? because there could be someone down there trying to grab my feet.... I have NO idea why I still do it. I know full well that there is NO ONE down there, but I always run up the stairs so they cant catch me. I probably have horribly repressed memories of Aaron hiding under the steps and grabing my feet as i walked up the stairs when we were kids.... I blame it all on Aaron.

6) I dont use toilet paper..... i use baby wipes. cleaner, easier on the tush, and it just feels good. I would highly recommend it to anyone. sorry if that is too much information, im running out of random things to say.

7) I hate armpits.. my least favorite part of the whole body, i rarley even touch my own armpit. And I definelty dont touch anyone elses. Like when your armpit gets itchy... most people just scratch it. I only scratch it through the shirt, or i get a tissue and use that as a buffer. I dont even like to lay my head on Davis' shoulder if he doesnt have a shirt on.... not because he is gross, or smelly (he isnt, he smells very good) but just because my face would be too close to the armpit. And that is un-acceptable.

Well, like em or not, those are my 7 things. I guess I am supposed to "tag" some people now.. um Claudine, Karen and Mel Macdonald... simply because you guys havent updated your blogs in forever.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

belly update

Well here is the latest belly update, just incase you didnt see it on face book allready.

Im sitting at 26 weeks right now, feeling pretty dang good. by far my favorite time of pregnancy so far. no sickness, so awkward pudgyness, obviously baby bump, but not so big that i am uncomfortable... i wish the whole pregnancy was like this... maybe the rest of it will be! (lets hope)

So Davis and I are going on a cruise to mexico next week.... long story... I will update when we get back! Needlesss to say it is one of my worst fears, but I am going anyway. If I can jump out of a plaine then I can survive for a week out in the open ocean, right? We leave on the 24th and we will be back Dec 1st! just in time for the Christmas season to start!! cant wait!

Monday, November 5, 2007

noel ... smoel.....

So the tropical storm hit us this weekend out in NS... it wasnt as bad as people were making it out to be. We didnt even loose power, which im glad for. There was some damage in some areas though, pretty scarry what mother nature can do sometimes. But I got some pictures that other people took and posted them up here. Just a few really impressive ones.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

the belly

well, i borrowed my moms camera (since mine is still broken) and FINALLY took some belly pictures! Me in the green shirt is at 20 weeks, and the one in the pink shirt is 24 weeks!!! the baby definetly had a growth spurt this month!

I am having alot of fun with this belly, it is so surreal to look at my self in the mirror with this belly, I am still not used to it at all, but I like it!!!

Other than the belly, last night was Sammy's 13th birthday, (he is having his friends over friday, so yesterday was just for the family) We watched Transformers on the projector and ate way too much junk food, it was pretty fun. Cant believe Sammy is 13! Where does the time go?

Sunday, October 21, 2007

venting and also amazment

So this weekend was stake conferance, pretty fun, lots of food, folks and fun! Although I feel the need to vent maybe just a little bit. Why is it that people feel the need to touch a pregnant belly. ? ... I mean dont get me wrong, if I know you and we are friends, touch away, i dont care..!! but there are people who I dont know all that well, other than their name, and the first thing they do when they saw me this weekend was to reach out and poke me in the stomach... not only does it kind of hurt, but its kind of awkward.... some people also see it as an invitation to tell me horror stories of their own pregnancy, and to give me advice about pregnancy.
well meaning Im sure, but kind of awkward if I dont know you.

ok im done venting, sorry about that guys, chances are if you are reading this, i dont mind you touching my belly.

It was really good to see alot of you over the weekend though! I have decided that I dont hang out with people nearly enough. Davis is busy with studying during the week, but we decided to be more social from now on, we are going to try to plan some type of get together sometime soon, so hopefully everyone can come ..... ... to whatever it is that we do.......

can i also say that i am really impressed with Karens Thank-you cards??? holy cow, I dont know how she had the patience to do all of those by hand... that is a talent for sure!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


So I was pressured into going on a road trip shopping spree with my mom and grandmother..... nothing like peer pressure from your grandmother....
It was actually quite fun, we drove to Maine EARLY friday morning, did far too much shopping, lots of girl talk and hanging out and then came home Sunday night. I finally got some much needed maternity cloths, which i am very excited about. I am also very proud of myself becuase I got almost all of my Christmas shopping done!!! wow!!! I think that is the earliest I have ever done Christmas shopping in my LIFE! How prepared am I?

Pregnancy is going well, I think the baby just went through a growth spurt because it feels like my belly just got 10 times bigger just this past week alone. I do have belly pictures, but like i said before my camera is broken and I need to take it somewhere to fix it, until then, you will just have to come visit me to see the hugeness.

Friday, October 5, 2007


Ok so we had our first ultra-sound this morning!! WOW, weird, there is actually a tiny little skeleton inside of me.... but everything looks good health wise, developing well according to the nurse, all the fingers and toes, etc etc etc.... it was so weird, we were watching on the monitor and you could see the baby moving its arm around and i could feel it at the same time.... it was pretty surreal.
no pictures unfortunetly ... and also no word on wether or not its a boy or a girl. I think we have decided to leave it for a surprise but some times I want to know.... im not good with surprises. I like to be prepared.

but thats that folks, there is officially a healthy little baby in there!! not even 1 pound yet... just a tiny little 12 ounce ankle bitter !!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

PEI goodness

So we went to PEI a week or so ago ... Dad and Davis and Sammy did ALOT of biking, and me and mom did alot of driving around and trying to find them on the trails. Dads goal was to bike all the way across PEI and he did most of it over the summer, but he had to finish about 40 kms so davis went along!!!

We had a good weekend, great weather for camping, going to the beach. we found a great beach that NO ONE else was on, it was beutiful. Sammy and Davis did some swimming and wrestling in the water ... among other things....

Great weekend except i got sand stuck in the camera somehow and now its broken :(
But Anyway thats my PEI story.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Ok, so I finally gave in and started a stupid blog like everyone else. I cant promise that I will be quite as good as everyone else in updating and posting .. but I'll try! I'm a sucker for peer pressure apparently.

I am still learning so the blog may suck for a while, sorry guys. I'll get the hang of it eventually.