Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mother knows best

Well I hate to admit it, but my Mother was right ... again.

(this is a follow-up to my last post, so if you are confused ... just scroll down)

Why fight a kids nature? Kailey has always been a bit of a grazer. Even when she was a new born, she never really sat for long nursing sessions every 4 hours like every other baby. She was more of a short drink every 2 or 3 hours. My dear Mom suggested not to fight that in her because it is probably a losing battle. So she suggested instead of trying to force her to sit down for 3 meals and 2 snacks, just stick to sitting at the table for 2 meals, and in between make up a plate full of yummy healthy snacks and leave it out for her. When she is hungry she will walk by and eat some and then keep going.

So since my last post, I have been trying that. I get her to sit for breakfast and supper, but in between I make up a plate of random things (ie. crackers, cheese, apple slices, grapes, sandwich squares etc etc) and leave it down for her. Gradually over the course of the afternoon it slowly disapears and she is much happier to be free of the prison which is her high chair, and I am much happier to not have to go through WW3 at every meal.

It is still very difficult for me though, yesterday she hardly ate anything all day, and she woke up EARLY this morning absolutley starving.... but I am sure she will eventually grasp that the food is there for her when she wants it. She is just far too busy and active to realize that she is hungry.

ANYWAY, moms always know best. Thanks for your encouragement on the last post!

My crazy monkey ... I kinda like her.


Anonymous said...

So true! I always have Hunter sit at meal time but I have learned to not fight him when he can't seem to sit still. I will do the same and leave his food out and he will eat it when he's ready. I guess we all have to learn to chose our battles.

Anonymous said...

PS Kailey is so big and so cute!

Kristi Drennan said...

Yeah I do that too! Mind you he's got this issue with throwing the food around when he's not eating it. But Mom's do always know best!

Rob said...

isn't it great that kids are not at all frustrating!!! that's what i love the most...never being frustrated by their crazy ways! hahaha, yeah right.
yeah, at least if she doesn't always eat that much, your grocery bill will be lower. my kids are pigs at times!!

Unknown said...


Let the party begin... said...

She seems to have grown so much since you left. Glad to hear that you're coping. Moms always seem to know what to do and sometimes their kids listen, lol!