Sunday, June 1, 2008

Lap Of Luxury

And the Award for the best husband EVER goes to ........... (drum roll) ..... DAVIS!!!!!!!

Davis took Kailey for the afternoon yesterday and sent me to a day spa! No special occasion or anything, just because he is so great! I was treated to a swedish massage and a chocolate sugar body scrub and hydro therapy massage .... can anyone say " AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" so nice! It felt amazing actually and I still kinda smell like chocolate. WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW, It felt so good to be pampered and waited on! Anyway thanks babe!!!!

Kailey has just discovered toys ... up until now she hasnt shown any interest in stuff like that but she is starting to reach out and grab for stuff when she is laying down. I got her a couple little toys but I am pretty lost when it comes to baby toys, does anyone have any suggestion on where to go for really great baby toys? Or toys that your babies loved? Her fingers are still her favorite toy but maybe she will find something she likes better soon. Im not sure how I feel about her sucking her thumb.

Speaking of kailey she is asking polietly for some attention so I should go!


Anonymous said...

sounds like a great afternoon! i am in need of that...maybe davis should give phil a hint!! kailey will probably like any toy right long as it's bright and will withstand chewing I'm sure she'll be happy!

Julia said...

i am so jealous you went to the spa. actually, josh got me a gift card to out before baby comes, but i haven't decided what treatments to get yet. i dont know if i want a massage, because i dont think it'll be comfortable like it shoudl be. maybe i should opt for something like you had...
mmm chocolate.

Let the party begin... said...

Davis definitely fit the bill for "husband of the year". What a great gift made even better because he wasn't obligated to. Babies love the soft fabric books or blocks with things on them or as Sonja said anything colorful.

The Super Seven said...

Sounds like a nice relaxing afternoon.....I could use that today!!! Fisher-Price has some awesome baby toys.....I got Miss G a butterfly rattle things from them and she loved it when she was little.......cause it made noises when she moved it and the wings make a noise when you crumple them....we have alot of FP in our it!!! Hope you are having fun out west.....can't wait to see how big she gets over the summer!!!

Unknown said...

I think babies really like playing with their grandma. That's a great toy. I guess Davis gave you that so you could smell like chocolate... he loves chocolate!
Love you lots!

Family Life in a Daze said...

i'm proud of my brother...i'm so glad he's treating you well. you deserve it! as for toys, i have a TON of baby toys waiting for Kailey to play with ANYTIME! just come on over!