Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day .... and other things ....

One week down, and how many to go?? Too many.

My very first Mothers Day as a Mom!! We had a lovely relaxing day, I got a special dinner and flowers from Davis and Lots of smiles and slobery kisses from Kailey! I was looking forward to being able to talk to Peter on the phone too today, but his mission president apparently didnt give him permission .... what the heck is up with that?? Half of his family is here in Calgary but he wasnt allowed to call?? I wasnt having very nice feeling towards his mission pres earlier but I decided maybe its for the best anyway, we will see him in a few months and mothers day phone calls are for the moms ... not the sisters. But at least I got to talk to the rest of the family today!

so time for updates i guess ...

Dads birthday was a few days ago! Happy Birthday Dad!! He is pretty much the hardest worker I have ever seen in my life, he loves his family and does everything he can for us. Not only does he work hard for us but he works hard for the church and gives alot to help out people in the stake. Sometimes above and beyond what Stake presidents are supposed to do. I am so glad I have a dad like him!!

Davis is doing amazing so far with work! he is selling so many systems, I am really impressed! They have some kind of incentive here for them to sell more, if they reach a certain amount of sales by thursday they get a prize depending on how many they have so far. I think Davis only needs like 3 or 4 more to get a nintendo Wii. and like 10 more to get a 50" flat screen TV. Obviously we are going for the flat screen!! keep your fingers crossed for us!!

Kailey is getting bigger by the second I think. Stronger too. I cant believe how much she has changed in just the past few weeks! She is turning into such a little girl. I want her to stay tiny and cuddly forever but I am excited to see her grow too. So glad I get to be her Mommy!

And last but not least, Nathan and Cav got married on saturday. I soo wish I could have been there to see the result of my match-making abilities. I am so happy for them both, they are so cute together and I am also glad that they are going to live in Halifax so we can hang out! Love you both!

Well thats all I can think of for this week.

Happy mothers day to all the Moms or future Moms reading this!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a great mother's day! Oh and we are going to find out what we're having...not sure if I told you that or not. I'm not big on surprises!

Julia said...

i was thinking about you on sunday and your first mother's day expereince, glad it was a good one :) kailey is so lucky to have you as a mom.
i am super glad to hear that davis is doing well. fingers crossed for the t.v!!!
only a few months until you're back and it wil be like you never left, time flies eh?

mer and mel said...

What!!!!! They are already married? I thought it was in 2 weeks! I didn't even get a invite! I hope all is well with them. Kailey is so cte, by the way.
love ya