Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I have been the mommy of two girls for over a month now, and Im still struggling to find some balance.
Sure I could blame it on the fact that we moved across the continent 2 weeks ago, or the fact that Kailey was sick all of last week ... but really I just need to admit to myself that I am going to be busier than I am used to.
I was holding on to this illusion that I could keep my same routine and schedule and everything would just fall easily and happily into place. I would still get my nap time in, Kailey and I could still do all the things together that we used to, the house would still be (somewhat) clean. I would feel rested and happy at the end of the day. etc etc etc .. you know .... dreams.....

WHy is it that all of a sudden my 2 year old is screaming NO at me all the time? Why wont she go to bed anymore with out me singing to her and rubbing her back until she falls asleep? Why do they both start crying at the same time? Why does the baby refuse to be put down when I need to get things done?

I would LOVE to have some balance in my life right now. I want to have some alone time with Tala to bond with her and talk to her, I want some alone time with Kailey to do those fun things with her like we used to, I want to get stuff done around the house, I want to have alone time with Davis when I dont feel so tired that all i really want to do is sleep. I want to have time to myself so I can relax. I want to read some scriptures again and get myself back on track spiritually.

I just want to feel balanced and not feel guilty about leaving things (or people) alone so that I can focus on other things (and people)

To moms of more than one kid .... .... how?


The Super Seven said...

I remember those days all too well and to be honest I still have times where I am searching for them. The biggest change for me was going from 3-4 kids. It really took me 8 months to balance things out the way I needed them to. You really need to find a little routine that is going to work for you. You might not get as much accomplished like you used to but it will help you find the balance. Sometimes you have to let the baby fuss a little so you can get a few things done. It won't hurt them and they adjust. Get Kailey to help with some of the chores, like folding laundry. Georgia loves to do that with me and it's fun to do together. Hang in there.....I promise it gets better.....it's just frustrating at first.

Kristi Drennan said...

I'm scared. For real. I find one hard and he's a pretty easy kid. I feel your pain and I'm still many months away. Just do what you can and realize that you're a Mom of two little ones and you can only do what you can do. AND it's super hard to live away from family. I've never had help from family or friends so I can't imagine switching to that change just after having a second. So that IS a hard thing and does make it worse. For real.

The Full Nelson said...

I agree with Kathy about having to let the baby fuss a bit sometimes. with Ethan I never wanted to leave him fussing but with karington I eventually realized that sometimes I had to, and once I had the vacuum on she generally stopped crying anyway!

Let the party begin... said...

Kristine, since I'm the older although not the wiser for sure, just accompish one thing a day for a week and then add something else each week till you have a routine. You just had a new baby and a beautiful two year old. No one is expecting you to do everything all at once especially where you're in new territory. You're so great with Kailey, that you'll find your own rhythm soon and before you know it, you'll be back home soon. Say hello to Davis for us and we sure miss you guys!