Sunday, February 1, 2009

When I was in "my youth" (aka, before I got married) I always pittied those women who would get married, have kids and then feel the need to get the "Mommy hair cut" ...
I swore to myself that I would NEVER be one of those women and that I would always keep my long hair...
Now I understand why all those women did what they did.
I have chopped off all of my hair and I love it. I love that it only took me 10 minutes to do my hair this morning instead of the regular 45 minutes of blowdrying and straightening. I was starting to get discusted with myself for pulling my hair back into a messy ponytail every single day and I was bored bored bored of my hair.
SO I did it. i took the plunge, I became one of those women. I am sure one of the younger single girls is swearing that they will never do what I just did. But I dont regret it. I love it.

Anyway. JJ cut my hair on friday and I do freaking love it alot, she did a great job!!!


Julia said...

love it :) jj's got talent.
i think you pull the style off well.

Anonymous said...

Your hair looks great! I have been wearing my hair shorter since I have had Hunter and I think that it just makes life easier!

The Super Seven said...

I tried to comment last night but silly blogger wasn't co-operating. I didn't get to see you at church as I left early but I LOVE the new hair do. I think that it looks fantastic and I can't imagine how much easier it is to care for!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love it!! It is so much easier with shorter hair...makes me want shorter hair again!!

Kristi Drennan said...

I can't wait to cut my hair off! You may remember I used to sport the short cut and now that it's so long and takes FOREVER to do it if I actually want to have a good hair day....I'm done! Except I have to wait another year and a half to be near a hairdresser again. Looks awesome on you!!!

Anonymous said...

It looks so good and you look so mature!

Kellie said...

LOVED JJ's haircut...she's the bomb... she did a great job... looks good.

mer and mel said...

It looks so great!!! I love it! If I didn't have such stupid cowlicks I would do it!

Jessie said...

haha, that's pretty funny cause I did the same thing!! lol It looks very stylish and cute!!